Red Rhino in the Acacus

Red Rhino in the Acacus

The Acacus Mountains to the south of the great sea of sand in Libya are a range of mountains nearing the end of their life. The desert winds have whipped up the sands and over an unfathomable amount of time have inexorably ground away the rock. The result of natures hand is some of the most spectacular natural sculptures that you will see in the Sahara.

Our ancestors lived here during a time when the Sahara was a greener land, with flowing rivers and an immense inland sea. Here they also shared the land with the animals of Africa that we today would only see much further south of the Sahara.

They painted what they saw and revered in this environment and some of these old rocks in the Acacus hide many a beautiful portrait of the life that was once there. We were very fortunate to be shown some of the splendours by Mabruk, our guide when Impala ran trips to Libya. This picture of The Red Rhino is one of my favourites; it is hidden away behind the two towers of sand sculptured rocks in this picture.