The Norfolk Marshes

The Norfolk Marshes

The Norfolk Marshes are a beautifully wild place that sits between the gently rolling farm land and the North Sea. Here I spend many days staying at a cottage planning the Impala Adventures, while Louise relaxes with the warmth of a log fire and Poppy our English Springer Spaniel waits patiently for the time when we go out for a long walk onto the marsh, a marsh that is full to bursting point with Geese, Curlew, Lapwing, Ducks of many varieties and Sandpipers of various hues.

I am often asked which place in the world do I enjoy the most and where would I like to spend the rest of my life – The answer often leaves the person who asked the question looking a little perplexed as they are expecting to hear about the magnificence of the desert with its utter silence and enormous landscapes or the depths of the trackless Russian forests where Whooper Swans breed and their haunting call echoes around the forest. My answer that I give is Norfolk, either the North Coast with its Marshes or The Broads with its rivers and lakes.

Why you ask, it’s simple really; wild landscapes full of birds, a beautiful mix of woods and fields and of course the Pub, that wonderfully quintessential English Institution with its proper ales and log fires. Norfolk has it all.