Customer Testimonial
Michael Nelki

Why did you choose Impala over other adventure companies

Personal, friendly, knowledgeable, tailored.
opportunity of a bespoke ‘adventure’
That’s enough compliments for one day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hotel variant sounds good
(when you are over 50 you are getting pretty old!!!!!!!!!)

Which Adventures Have You Been On

Wales, Lake District

Morocco – Cedar Forest & Sahara


Which Vehicle Did You Use

Land Rover 90Tdi

Did you do any preparations to your vehicle before embarking on the adventure?

You name it, I have got it!

How did you find using the roadbooks rather than convoying?

Great , once you get used to them

How did you find the wild camping?

Fine, but getting too old

What did you enjoy most about the adventure?

Getting away

Did you learn anything while on the adventure?

That it’s good to get away.

(That you should never drive in the dark……but it is great fun)

That a broken Land Rover gearbox will probably still work in 4th, high and low!